
From PCB design to software development. We have been able to delight many customers with answers to their electronics questions. Below is a sample of our work.

Pendulum – Snoezle

The Snoezle is a mobile snoezelen tent that uses LED lights and sound to provide a calming, sensory experience, ideal for relaxation and well-being across diverse audiences. It brings the benefits of snoezelen in a flexible and accessible way to any environment.

Perfect Moose – Milk Steamer

The Perfect Moose is a milk frother that effortlessly delivers perfect microfoam, ideal for quick and consistent coffee preparations.

Spectricity – Evaluation Kit

The Spectricity Evaluation Kit enables seamless integration and testing of advanced multispectral sensors for applications like color measurement and skin analysis.

Pendulum – Aimé

The AIME Duo-Mobile enables tandem movement to help elders maintain an active lifestyle.

SUMURA – Smart Bike Lock

Smart lock and personal charging point for your bike

Limitrix – Elizze

Energy Management System
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